Resolutions Revisited
Happy New Year!
Last year I posted my New Year's resolutions here. Let's see how I did, boys and girls, shall we?
The Ballad of the Unlikely Crafter: Goals for 2006 (not related to yarn)
1. Be more kind.
I'm not sure if I fulfilled this one or not. I don't feel much kinder than last year, and I sure as hell think bad, mean thoughts all the time. Hopefully I at least managed the Google corporate slogan of "Don't be evil."
2. Lose 26 pounds in 2006, which both sounds catchy and represents just 1/2 a pound a week.
Ha ha. The good news is I lost a couple of pounds, but only a couple. I'm checking this one back into the resolution library and renewing it for another year. This time it will be 27 pounds.
3. Be more selfish, in all the good ways.
Again I think I held the status quo on this one. I'm not quite sure what I was envisioning myself doing.
4. Do 10 stomach crunches every day in January, 20 a day in February, etc.
5. Start yoga. Again. It works.
Ugh, this is going badly.
6. Take the GREs and get act together for the long-term.
7. Go on a real vacation.
Ooh, ooh, this one I did! I had a blast in the Grand Canyon for a week by myself! Oh hey, maybe that applies to # 3--since leaving one's family for a week surely qualifies as selfish in a good way. I can also fulfill this one for 2007 because we are spending a week in St. John in January. Yipppeee!
8. Be a better housekeeper or earn enough money to justify housecleaning service. (see #6)
I think I have made some progress in this area, truly. The house is cleanable now in a couple of hours. I have sorted and pitched a lot of stuff and I'm better at daily maintenance. There are still days, nay, weeks when I feel like a massive failure in this department.
And my yarn-related goal:
1. Keep on learning: lace, intarsia, fair isle, embroidery, etc.
I did some lace, but none of the rest of it.
Adding a few goals for 2007--
1) Make a will. It is pathetic that we don't have one.
2) Save more for college in the kids' 529's.
3) Get a part-time job by the end of the year.
4) Be grateful and joyful. Life is precious.
5) Remember how time flies when your kids are little. This time next year they will be 7 and almost 5. Enjoy them.