Friday, December 01, 2006

Instant gratification

Today at my friend's house she was showing me her knitting projects, all in woeful states of unfinishedness. Though a half-hearted knitter, she sews like a genius and also chases two kids 3 and under, so we'll give her a pass.

Anyway, she pulled out this hat, which she started knitting a year ago while doing her 3-hour glucose fasting test. It was a case of nesting syndrome coupled with sitting-in-the-hospital boredom. The reason for the nesting is now 6 months old and she has lost interest in finishing the hat.

It was just about ready to go on the DPNs for the decrease rows, so I snatched it up. Stole all her needles and the cone of yarn and brought it home where I finished it in an hour or so.

Ah, so satisfying. For once I finished something I didn't start instead of starting something I'd never finish.

The hat, meant to be an 18-month size, is going to fit her son in about 3 or 4 years. Cotton, ack.

I only get partial credit for this one, but my blog is completist...

From photosforposting


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