Monday, January 02, 2006

Goals for 2006 (not related to yarn)

1. Be more kind.

2. Lose 26 pounds in 2006, which both sounds catchy and represents just 1/2 a pound a week.

3. Be more selfish, in all the good ways.

4. Do 10 stomach crunches every day in January, 20 a day in February, etc.

5. Start yoga. Again. It works.

6. Take the GREs and get act together for the long-term.

7. Go on a real vacation.

8. Be a better housekeeper or earn enough money to justify housecleaning service. (see #6)

And my yarn-related goal:

1. Keep on learning: lace, intarsia, fair isle, embroidery, etc.

Happy New Year!


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