Baby-rama, baby!
Just a few projects I've been working on for various babies!
First, a flannel rag quilt for my BIL and SIL's baby, due in February. This was my second sewing project and what fun to just sail right through those quilted X's zip zip zip without stressing about being exact. This quilt can be likened to parenting in that I learned while doing, it was kind of exhilarating at times, I screwed up in a bunch of places, but overall the result is very good. (I am sure that with tutoring it will get into a good college one day.) Two views, the raggy side and the pretty side.

Next project is Bunny the Second, in KnitPicks Spinnaker, color Oasis. This bunny travelled with me as a WIP to the Grand Canyon, sat in my tent for a week, and then was completed when I got home, so it is a well-travelled rabbit!