Modified glittens and a temporarily stalled WIP
My dad requested that I put mitten flip-tops or whatever you want to call them on his fingerless gloves. Now, I thought the gloves looked pretty darn handsome before, but we must please the unhappy/grateful customer, mustn't we? (Sondheim, anyone?) I found a yarn at AC Moore that nearly matches the Knit Picks yarn that I did not feel like reordering, and although it's not nearly as soft and silky it worked just fine.
I ended up having to write the pattern for the mitten tops because my early attempt to hack an existing mitten pattern was a total flop. I also finished off the thumbs because glittens always have finished thumbs. One came out a bit pointy in appearance but fits fine.
It's all FINE do ya hear me, fine I say.
Pics (closed and flipped open):

Finally, the Pearly Elegance size 11 circular died. One needle completely snapped off and the other one is about to go. So until I get another one, here are some pics of the WIP. I think it's going to be pretty although I'm not yet sure if I will keep it, auction it, or give it as a gift.

Except for the fuzzy parts, I really like that a lot. It looks very fancay.
I don't like the fur either. I'm hoping when the thing is all stretched out to full size, it won't be so obvious. It called for eyelash there but I guess they meant the sparse and droopy kind.
so I'm guessing that the bit you tried doing when we were in NJ over xmas just totally didn't work. Of course, it would have been nice for you to know that before spending hours with the itsy bitsy needle.
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